Track All Files in a Directory Perl

Chapter 4. Working with Modules

Hacks 28-42

Perhaps the greatest invention of Perl 5 is the idea of modules. They allow people to modify the language and reuse code far beyond what Larry and the Perl 5 porters ever envisioned. (Who could have predicted CPAN or Acme::*, for example?)

If you're doing any serious work with Perl, you'll spend a lot of time working with modules: installing them, upgrading them, loading them, working around weird and unhelpful features, and even distributing them. It makes a lot of sense to understand how Perl and modules interact and how to work with them effectively.

Here are several ideas that show off the varied ways that you can extend your programs. CPAN is only an arm's length away. Be ready.

Shorten Long Class Names

Type only what you need to type. You know what you mean.

Are you tired of using Perl classes with Really::Long::Package::Names::You::Cant::Remember? Use aliased and forget about them. This handy CPAN module creates short, easy-to-remember aliases for long class names.

The Hack

Given the hypothetical example just cited, use aliased to load the class and create an alias all at once:

use aliased 'Really::Long::Package::Names::You::Cant::Remember';  my $rem = Remember->new( );

When aliased loads a class, it automatically creates a constant subroutine, in the local name space named after the final part of the package name. This subroutine returns the full package name. Because it's a constant, it's actually very efficient; Perl will inline the package name, so that by the time your code has compiled, Perl sees it as if you had actually typed:

use aliased 'Really::Long::Package::Names::You::Cant::Remember';  my $rem = Really::Long::Package::Names::You::Cant::Remember->new( );

You gain simplicity and lose, well, nothing.

Resolve conflicts

Sometimes you might want to alias two classes that have the same final portion of their package names. In such cases, specify the alias that you want to use to disambiguate the two classes:

use aliased 'My::App::Contact'; use aliased 'My::App::Type::Contact' => 'ContactType';  my $contact_type = ContactType->new( ); my $contact      = Contact->new({ type => $contact_type });

Importing with aliased

Sometimes, even in object-oriented programming, you need to import symbols from a module. aliased allows you to do so while still creating an alias. The only wrinkle is that you must explicitly specify an alias. Why? Because then you pass in a list of import symbols, and if you didn't specify an alias name, the first symbol would be the alias! Here's how it works:

use aliased 'My::App::Contact' => 'Contact', qw( EMAIL PHONE );  my $contact = Contact->new({     kind  => EMAIL,     value => '', });

If you hadn't put that 'Contact' there, then the alias would have been EMAIL and that wouldn't do what you meant .

Manage Module Paths

Keep your code where it makes sense to you, not just to Perl.

Perl's a flexible language and it tries to make few assumptions about your environment. Perhaps you're a system administrator with root access and a compiler and can install modules anywhere you want. Perhaps you only have shell access on a shared box and have to submit a change request to have something installed. Perhaps you want to test one set of modules against one program but not another.

Whatever the case, Perl gives you options to manage where it looks for modules. Suppose you have a program in your ~/work directory that uses a module named Site::User. By default, Perl will search all of the directories in the special @INC variable for a file named Site/ That may not always include the directory you want (especially if, in this case, you want ~/work/lib). What can you do?

Within Your Program

The simplest and most self-contained way to change Perl's search path is within your program by using the lib pragma. This happens at compile-time [Hack #70], as soon as perl encounters the statement, so put it before any use line for the module you want to load. For example:

use lib 'lib'; use Site::User;

adds the lib/ directory—relative to the current directory—to the front of Perl's search path list. Similarly:

no lib 'badlib'; use Site::User;

removes the badlib/ directory from Perl's list of search paths. If you have two versions of Site::User installed and want to make sure that Perl doesn't pick up the wrong version from the wrong directory, exclude it.

From the Command Line

Sometimes you don't have the option or the desire to modify a program, though, especially when you're merely testing it. In that case, use the lib pragma from the command line when invoking the program by using perl's -M switch:

$                              perl -Mlib=lib                          

This is equivalent to use lib 'lib'. To exclude a path, prepend a hyphen to lib:

$                              perl -M-lib=badlib                          


The -I flag also lets you include paths, but it does not let you exclude them.

With an Environment Variable

Of course, modifying every program or remembering to add a command-line switch to every invocation is a tremendous hassle. Fortunately, there's a third option: set the PERL5LIB environment variable to a colon-separated list of directories to add to the search path. Depending on your shell, this may be:

$                              export PERL5LIB=/home/user/work/lib:/home/user/work_test/lib:$PERL5LIB                            %                              setenv PERL5LIB /home/user/work/lib:/home/user/work_test/lib:$PERL5LIB                          

There's no good and easy way to exclude a directory for the search path here; put the correct directory at the front of the path.

If you put the appropriate invocation in the appropriate startup file (such as /etc/profile or the equivalent), users do not even have to know that this path is there. Of course, if they run programs from cron or another environment without these variables, some paths may not be present.

An easier option may be to write a simple shell script that sets the environment properly and then launches the actual perl binary, passing along the command-line options appropriately.

When Recompiling Perl

Your final recourse is to set the appropriate paths when compiling Perl [Hack #67]. This isn't as bad as it sounds, but it does take a little bit more dedication. Once you have downloaded and unpacked Perl, run the Configure script. Answer all of the questions appropriately until it asks:

Enter a colon-separated set of extra paths to include in perl's @INC search path, or enter 'none' for no extra paths.  Colon-separated list of additional directories for perl to search? [none]

Type there the list of directories to add to Perl's built-in @INC. Note that perl will search this directory after it searches its core directories, so if you want to load something in place of a core module, you must manipulate the path with one of the other techniques.

Reload Modified Modules

Update modules in a running program without restarting.

Developing a long-running program can be a tedious process, especially when starting and stopping it can take several seconds or longer. This is most painful in cases where you just need to make one or two little tweaks to see your results. The Ruby on Rails web programming toolkit in development mode gets it right, automatically noticing when you change a library and reloading it in the running server without you having to do anything.

Perl can do that too.

The Hack

All it takes is a simple module named Module::Reloader:

package Module::Reloader;  use strict; use warnings;  my %module_times;  INIT {     while (my ($module, $path) = each %INC)     {         $module_times{ $module } = -M $path;     } }  sub reload {     while (my ($module, $time) = each %module_times)     {         my $mod_time   = -M $INC{$module};         next if $time = = $mod_time;          no warnings 'redefine';         require ( delete $INC{  $module } );         $module_times{ $module } = $mod_time;     } }  1;

At the end of compile time [Hack #70], the module caches the name and modification time of all currently loaded modules. Its reload( ) function checks the current modification time of each module and reloads any that have changed since the last cache check.

Running the Hack

Use the module as usual. Then, when you want to reload any loaded modules, call Module::Reloader::reload( ). In a long-running server process, such as a pure-Perl web server running in development mode for a framework, this is easy to do right before processing a new incoming request.

Provided that the modules being modified don't keep around any weird state between requests, the request will see the new behavior.

Hacking the Hack

The module as written does attempt to avoid spurious warning messages by suppressing Subroutine %s redefined at... error messages, but a compilation error in a module may cause strange behavior and necessitate a server restart. This is for development purposes only; it's very difficult to write code that behaves perfectly in a production environment—too many things could go wrong.

Changing the definition of classes while you have active instances of those classes can do scary things. It may be worthwhile to exclude certain modules, perhaps by specifying filters for modules to include or to exclude.

This module currently does not erase the symbol tables of reloaded modules; that may be useful in certain circumstances. (It may be hazardous in others, where multiple modules affect symbols in a given package.)

Create Personal Module Bundles

Create a personal bundle of your favorite modules.

It never fails. I'm working on a new computer, a friend's computer, or a work computer and I've installed my favorite modules and written some code.

use My::Favorite::Module; My::Favorite::Module->washes_the_dishes( );

Then I run the program.

Can't locate My/Favorite/ in @INC (@INC contains ...

I did it again. I forgot to install the one module I really needed. Hopefully it's the last one. Of course, even if you never forget to install your favorites, it's still a pain to laboriously install a bunch of modules every time you have a new Perl installation.

That's where personal bundles come in.

The Hack

A personal bundle is very easy to make. Just create a normal CPAN distribution. You don't even need to write tests for it: the modules you list will (hopefully) test themselves.

Instead, create an empty package with the modules you want listed in your POD contents section [Hack #32]. For example, suppose that you're a testing fanatic. You want to install your favorite testing modules, so you decide to call your bundle Bundle::Personal:: Mine (where Mine is your PAUSE ID).

package Bundle::Personal::Mine;  $VERSION = '0.42';  1;  __END__  =head1 NAME  Bundle::Personal::Mine - My favorite testing modules  =head1 SYNOPSIS  perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Personal::Mine'  =head1 CONTENTS  Test::Class  Test::Differences  Test::Exception  Test::MockModule  Test::Pod  Test::Pod::Coverage  Test::WWW::Mechanize  =head1 DESCRIPTION  My favorite modules.  ... rest of POD, if any ...

Then just package up your tarball and stow it in a safe place (or even upload it to the CPAN).

Running the Hack

From then on, to install all of your favorite modules, just type cpanp i Bundle::Personal::Mine for CPANPLUS, perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Personal::Mine' for CPAN, or whatever your favorite module installation incantation is.

Hacking the Hack

When preparing a personal bundle, be selective about what you include. If you include a module that routinely fails tests, the entire bundle installation might fail. If that happens, try to install the errant module manually and return to installing the bundle. It's generally a bad idea to force the installation of a module with failing tests until you understand why they fail. This is especially true when working on a new machine.

Other uses for such bundles include software development kits, corporate bundles, and application support modules. The CPAN already has bundles for Bundle::Test, Bundle::BioPerl, Bundle::MiniVend, and so on. Go to your favorite CPAN mirror and search for bundles. The bundle you want to create may already exist.


Should you really upload your own bundle to the CPAN? It depends. If you maintain a redistributable application that requires several CPAN modules, creating an installation bundle can help users install it and packagers package it. If you're the only person using your bundle, it probably won't do anyone else much good.

Manage Module Installations

Bundle up required modules to make installations easier.

Embracing the Perl way means taking advantage of the CPAN when possible. There are thousands of reusable, easily installable modules that do almost anything you can imagine—including making your coding life much easier and simpler.

Some day you'll have to distribute your software, upgrade Perl, or do something else that means that you can't rely on having all of your existing modules available. Never fear; just create a bundle that the CPAN module can use to install all of the necessary modules for you!

The Hack

The CPAN module doesn't only download and install modules. It can also give you a catalog of what you have installed on your system. The autobundle command takes this list and writes it to a bundle file—a very simple, mostly POD module that CPAN can use later (or elsewhere) to install necessary modules.

All you have to do is launch the shell, issue the autobundle command, and note where it creates the bundle file:

$                              cpan                            cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601) ReadLine support enabled  cpan>                              autobundle                            # time passes...  Wrote bundle file   /usr/src/.cpan/Bundle/

Running the Hack

Copy or move the bundle file from its current location. Then when you upgrade or reinstall Perl, or when you move to another box, move the bundle file to the Bundle/ directory beneath the CPAN module's working directory. Then, from the CPAN shell in the new machine or installation:

$                              cpan                            cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601) ReadLine support enabled  cpan>                              install Bundle::Snapshot_2005_11_13_00                            # time                              really                            passes...

It will go through the bundle list in order, intstalling all modules as necessary. At least, it will try.

Hacking the Hack

If you look at the bundle file, you might notice that it includes lots and lots of modules—maybe more than you need and certainly plenty of core modules. Worse yet, depending on how you've configured your CPAN and how well the modules you want to install mark their dependencies, you may need to babysit the installation to get it to succeed. You may even have to restart it a few times.

If possible, set CPAN to follow all prerequisites without asking when configuring it for the first run. (You can always change it back later.) That will help. The next best thing to do is to prune the module list. When possible, try to arrange dependencies appropriately. (Modules change enough that it's unlikely you'll be able to do this perfectly.)

Finally, you can prune out all of the core modules by running the bundle file through Module::CoreList [Hack #73]. That way, you have a somewhat smaller list of modules to install.

use Module::CoreList;  my ($bundle, $version) = @ARGV; $version             ||= $]; @ARGV                  = $bundle; my $core_list          = $Module::CoreList::version{ $version }; die "Unknown version $version\\n" unless $core_list;  # find module list while (<>) {     print;     last if $_ eq "=head1 CONTENTS\\n"; }  print "\\n";  # process only module/version lines while (<>) {     if ( $_ eq "=head1 CONFIGURATION\\n" )     {         print;         last;     }      chomp;     next unless $_;      my ($module, $version) = split( /\\s+/, $_ );     $version = 0 if $version eq 'undef';      next if exists $core_list->{ $module }                and $core_list->{ $module } >= $version;      print "$module $version\\n\\n"; }  # print everything else print while <>;

Run this program, passing the name of the bundle file and, optionally, the version of Perl against which to check. Redirect the output to a new bundle file:

$                              perl >                            $

Now you have an easier time deciding which modules you really need to install.

Presolve Module Paths

Make programs on complex installations start more quickly.

In certain circumstances, one of Perl's major strengths can be a weakness. Even though you can manipulate where Perl looks for modules (@INC) at runtime according to your needs [Hack #29], and even though you can use thousands of modules from the CPAN, your system has to find and load these modules.

For a short-running, repeated program, this can be expensive, especially if you have many paths in @INC from custom testing paths, sitewide paths, staging servers, business-wide repositories, and the like. Fortunately, there's more than one way to solve this. One approach is to resolve all of the paths just once, and then use your program as normal.

The Hack

"Trace All Used Modules" [Hack #74] shows how putting a code reference into @INC allows you to execute code every time you use or require a module. That works here, too.

package Devel::Presolve;  use strict; use warnings;  my @track;  BEGIN { unshift @INC, \\&resolve_path }  sub resolve_path {     my ($code, $module) = @_;     push @track, $module;     return; }  INIT {     print "BEGIN\\n{\\n";      for my $tracked (@track)     {         print "\\trequire( \\$INC{'$tracked'} = '$INC{$tracked}' );\\n";     }      print "}\\n1;\\n";     exit; }  1;

Devel::Presolve's resolve_path( ) captures every request to load a module, stores the module name, and returns. Thus Perl attempts to load the module as normal. After the entire program has finished compiling, but before it starts to run [Hack #70], it prints to STDOUT a BEGIN block that loads all of the modules by absolute filepath then exits the program.

Running the Hack

Put Devel::Presolve somewhere in your path. Then run your slow-starting program while loading the module. Redirect the output to a file of your choosing:

$                              perl -MDevel::Preload >                   will contain something similar to:

BEGIN {     require( $INC{''}      = '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/' );     require( $INC{'CGI/'} = '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/CGI/' );     require( $INC{''}     = '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/' );     require( $INC{''} = '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/' );     require( $INC{''} = '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/' ); }  1;

You can either include the contents of this file at the start of or load it as the first module. If you do the latter, put the file in a directory at the front of @INC, lest you erase any performance gains.

Note that the trick of assigning to %INC within the require avoids a potentially nasty module-reloading bug, where Perl doesn't see require '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7./' as loading the same file as use CGI; does.

Hacking the Hack

Pre-resolving paths likely won't help long-running programs. For short-running programs where startup time can dwarf calculation time, it may, depending on how complex your @INC is. Be especially careful that upgrading Perl or installing new versions of modules may invalidate this cache—it is a cache—and cause strange errors. This technique may work better only when you want to deploy a program to a production system, but likely not when you're merely developing or testing.

Create a Standard Module Toolkit

Curb your addiction to explicit use statements.

Most experienced Perl programmers rely on a core set of modules and subroutines that they use in just about every application they create. For example, if you work with XML documents on a daily basis (and you certainly have our deepest sympathy there), then you probably use either XML::Parser or XML::SAX or XML::We::Built::Our::Own::Damn::Solution all the time.

If those documents contain lists of files that you need to manipulate, then you probably use File::Spec or File::Spec::Functions as well, and perhaps File::Find too. Maybe you need to verify and manipulate dates and times on those files, so you regularly pull in half a dozen of the DateTime modules.

If the application has an interactive component, you might continually need to use the prompt( ) subroutine from IO::Prompt [Hack #14]. Likewise, you might frequently make use of the efficient slurp( ) function from File::Slurp. You might also like to have Smart::Comments instantly available [Hack #54] to simplify debugging. Of course, you always specify use strict and use warnings, and probably use Carp as well.

A Mess of Modules

This adds up to a tediously long list of standard modules, most of which you need to load every time you write a new application:

#! /usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Smart::Comments; use XML::Parser; use File::Spec; use IO::Prompt qw( prompt ); use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); use DateTime; use DateTime::Duration; use DateTime::TimeZone; use DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Mawson; # etc. # etc.

It would be great if you could shove all these usual suspects in a single file:

package Std::Modules;  use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Smart::Comments; use XML::Parser; use File::Spec; use IO::Prompt qw( prompt ); use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); use DateTime; use DateTime::Duration; use DateTime::TimeZone; use DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Mawson; # etc.  1;

and just use that one module instead:

#! /usr/bin/perl  use Std::Modules;

Of course, that fails dismally. Using a module that uses other modules isn't the same as using those other modules directly. In most cases, you'd be importing the components you need into the wrong namespace (into Std::Modules instead of main) or into the wrong lexical scope (for use strict and use warnings).

The Hack

What you really need is a way to create a far more cunning module: one that cuts-and-pastes any use statements inside it into any file that uses the module. The easiest way to accomplish that kind of sneakiness is with the Filter::Macro CPAN module. As its name suggests, this module is a source filter that converts what follows it into a macro. Perl then replaces any subsequent use of that macro-ized module with the contents of the module. For example:

package Std::Modules; use Filter::Macro;     # <-- The magic happens here  use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Smart::Comments; use XML::Parser; use File::Spec; use IO::Prompt qw( prompt ); use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); use DateTime; use DateTime::Duration; use DateTime::TimeZone; use DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Mawson; # etc. # etc.  1;

Now, whenever you write:

#! /usr/bin/perl  use Std::Modules;

all of those other use statements inside Std::Modules are pasted into your code, in place of the use Std::Modules statement itself.

Hacking the Hack

There's also a more modular and powerful variation on this idea available. The Toolkit module (also on CPAN) allows you to specify a collection of standard module inclusions as separate files in a standard directory structure. Once you have them set up, you can automatically use them all just by writing:

#! /usr/bin/perl  use Toolkit;

The advantage of this approach is that you can also set up "conditional usages"—files that tell Toolkit to import specific subroutines from specific modules, but only when something actually uses those subroutines. For example, you can tell Toolkit not to always load:

use IO::Prompt qw( prompt ); use File::Slurp qw( slurp );

but only to load the IO::Prompt module if something actually uses the prompt( ) subroutine, and likewise to defer loading File::Slurp for slurp( ) until actually necessary.

That way, you can safely specify dozens of handy subroutines and modules in your standard toolkit, but only pay the loading costs for those you actually use.

Write Demos from Tutorials

Give tutorial readers example code to run, tweak, and examine.

Reading code is one thing. Running code is another. Example code is wonderfully useful, but nothing beats playing with it—changing values, moving subroutines around, and seeing what happens if you touch just one more thing.

You'll never escape writing documentation. You can escape having to explain the basics over and over again if that documentation includes working, runnable code that people can customize for their needs. If you've already realized that including pure-POD modules is a great way to document programs, take the next step and make the tutorials themselves write out their examples.

The Hack

Writing a POD-only tutorial is easy. For example, the basic SDL::Tutorial shows how to create a screen using Perl and the SDL bindings:

use SDL::App;  # change these values as necessary my  $title                   = 'My SDL App'; my ($width, $height, $depth) = ( 640, 480, 16 );  my $app = SDL::App->new(     -width  => $width,     -height => $height,     -depth  => $depth,     -title  => $title, );  # your code here; remove the next line sleep 2;

Running the Hack

Better yet, if you run the tutorial from the command line, it writes out this program to a file of your choosing:

$                              perl -e 1                          

Looking at the tutorial itself [Hack #2], it's only a use statement, a heredoc, and the documentation. How does Pod::ToDemo know to write the file and exit? Further, what if someone accidentally uses SDL::Tutorial as a module within a real program—will it write or overwrite a file and throw an error?

Nope; that's part of the magic.

Inside the Hack

Pod::ToDemo has two tricks. The first is writing code that will execute when you run the demo file from the command line only. caller( ) isn't just for checking the calling subroutine—it walks the entire call stack. The module's import( ) method has this code:

my @command = caller( 3 );  return if @command and $command[1] ne '-e';

That is, look three levels up the call stack. If the filename of that call frame is not -e (the correct command-line invocation to write a demo file), then someone has accidentally used a demo module in a real program, and the import( ) method returns without doing anything.


Why three levels? The previous level is the implicit BEGIN block surrounding the use call in the demo module [Hack #70]. The next one up is the load of the demo module itself (-M on the command line creates its own block). The top level is the command-line invocation itself.

The rest of the import( ) method itself merely installs another method into the demo module, calling it import( ). By the time the rest of the module finishes compiling, when Perl goes to call that module's import( ), it'll be there—and it can write the file as necessary.

Hacking the Hack

This is the easy way to use Pod::ToDemo. There's also a more difficult way. Consider if you already show the example code within the tutorial, perhaps in one large chunk and perhaps not. Duplicating the code within the string to pass to Pod::ToDemo and the tutorial itself would be a mistake. In that case, generate the code however you like, pulling it out of the POD, and pass a subroutine reference to Pod::ToDemo. The module will call that instead, when appropriate, letting you write the demo file as you like.

This trick would also work to parameterize the demo file based on command-line arguments.

Replace Bad Code from the Outside

Patch buggy modules without touching their source code.

Until computers finally decide to do what we mean, not what we say, programs will have bugs. Some you can work around. Others are severe enough that you have to modify source code.

When the bugs are in code you don't maintain and you don't have a workaround, Perl's dynamic nature can be an advantage. Instead of keeping local copies of externally managed code, sometimes patching that code from the outside is the simplest way to make your code work again.

The Hack

Imagine that you're building a large application that uses a hypothetical Parser module that, for whatever reason, calls exit( ), not die( ), when it fails. The relevant code might look something like:

package Parser;  sub parse {     my ($class, $text) = @_;     validate_text( $shift );     bless \\$text, $class; }  sub validate_text {     my $text = shift;                              exit 1                            unless $text =~ /^</; }  1;

You might normally expect to use this module with code such as:

use Parser;  my $parser = eval { Parser->parse( 'some example text' ) }; die "Bad input to parser: $@\\n" if $@;

However because of the exit( ), your program will end. It may be perfectly legitimate that the text to parse in this example is invalid, so Parser can't handle it, but the exit( ) is just wrong—it gives you no opportunity to alert the user or try to fix the problem. If validate_text( ) were a method, you could subclass the module and override it, but you don't have this option.

Fortunately, you can override the exit( ) keyword with a function of your own, if you do it at the right time:

package Parser; use subs 'exit'; package main;  use Parser; sub Parser::exit{die shift;}

Before Perl can parse the Parser package, you must tell it to consider all occurrences of exit( ) as calls to a user-defined function, not the built-in operator. That's the point of switching packages and using the subs pragma.

Back in the main package, the odd-looking subroutine declaration merely declares the actual implementation of that subroutine. Now instead of exiting, all code that calls exit( ) in Parser will throw an exception instead.

Hacking the Hack

If you don't really care about validation, if you prefer a sledgehammer solution, or if you don't want to replace exit( ) in the entire package, you can replace the entire validate_text( ) function:

use Parser;  local *Parser::validate_text; *Parser::validate_text = sub {     my $text = shift;     die "Invalid text '$text'\\n" unless $text =~ /^</; };

Doing this in two steps avoids a warning about using a symbol name only once. Using local replaces the code only in your current dynamic scope, so any code you call from this scope will use this function instead of the old version.

To replace the subroutine globally, use Parser as normal, but remove the line that starts with local. Replace it with no warnings 'redefine'; to avoid a different warning.

If you need to switch behavior, make the replacement validate_text( ) into a closure, setting a lexical flag to determine which behavior to support. This variant technique is highly useful in testing code.

Drink to the CPAN

Play's CPAN Drinking Game—but responsibly.

The CPAN drinking game tests your knowledge of the CPAN. The goal of the game, depending on who you ask, is either to prove that you have an incredibly deep knowledge of the CPAN or to get incredibly drunk. An alternate goal is to learn about modules you never even knew existed. Just try to remember them.

Running the Hack

The first player, Audrey, takes a drink and names a CPAN module: Devel::Cover. Play passes to Barbie, who's sitting immediately to Audrey's right. Barbie needs to drink and then come up with a released module which starts with C, the first letter of the last part of Audrey's module. If he can't, he drinks and play passes to the next player.

If Barbie names a module with three parts, perhaps Crypt::SSLeay::X509, play skips over chromatic, who's sitting to his right. The same applies if he managed to pull out a module name with four, five, or more parts.

Domm picks up with X. He drinks and pulls out XML::XPath. Because the last part starts with the same letter as the first part, the direction of play reverses and it's chromatic's turn.

chromatic drinks and, sadly, can't come up with anything and has to pass. He's now out of the game. Audrey drinks and names XML::Simple. Play continues counterclockwise to Domm, who needs to come up with something starting with S.

The winner is the last remaining player.

Hacking the Hack

Try whiskey!

Seriously, as bar-rific as the game sounds, you don't have to drink alcohol. Try another beverage—hot tea is good, root beer is good, and anything with caffeine can change the rule for losing in interesting ways.

Some variants of the game require Barbie to drink until he can name a module. This can take a while.

The author recommends never challenging Audrey to the CPAN drinking game.

Improve Exceptional Conditions

Die with style when something goes wrong.

Perl's exception handling is sufficiently minimal. It's easy to recover when things go wrong without having to declare every possible type of error you might possibly encounter. Yet there are times when you know you can handle certain types of exceptions, if not others. Fortunately, Perl's special exception variable $@ is more special than you might know—it can hold objects.

If you can stick an object in there, you can do just about anything.

The Hack

How would you like more context when you catch an exception? Sure, if someone uses the Carp module you can sometimes get a stack trace. That's not enough if you want to know exactly what went wrong.

For example, consider the canonical example of a system call gone awry. Try to open a file you can't touch. Good style says you should die( ) with an exception there. Robust code should catch that exception—but there's so much useful information that the exception string could hold, why should you have to parse the message to figure out which file it was, for example, or what the error was, or how the user tried to open the file?

Exception::Class lets you throw an exception as normal while making all of the information available through instance methods.

Suppose you've factored out all of your file opening code into a single function:

use File::Exception;  sub open_file {     my ($name, $mode) = @_;      open my $fh, $mode, $name or         File::Exception->throw( file => $name, mode => $mode, error => $! );      return $fh; }

Instead of calling die( ), the function throw( )s a new File::Exception object, passing the file name, mode, and system error message. File::Exception subclasses Exception::Class::Base to add two more fields and a friendlier error message:

package File::Exception;  use SUPER; use Exception::Class;  use base 'Exception::Class::Base';  sub Fields {     my $self = shift;     return super( ), qw( file mode ); }  sub file { $_[0]->{file} } sub mode { $_[0]->{mode} }  sub full_message {     my $self = shift;     my $msg  = $self->message( );      my $file = $self->file( );     my $mode = $self->mode( );      return "Exception '$msg' when opening file '$file' with mode '$mode'"; }  1;

The only curious piece of the code is the Fields( ) method. Exception::Class::Base uses this to initialize the object with the proper attributes.

full_message( ) creates and returns the string used as the exception message. This is what $@ would contain if this were a normal exception. As it is, Exception::Class::Base overrides object stringification [Hack #99] so the objects appear as normal die( ) messages to users who don't realize they're objects.

Running the Hack

Call open_file( ) as usual—within an eval( ) block:

my $fh; $fh = eval { open_file( '/dev/null', '<' ) }; warn $@ if $@;  $fh = eval { open_file( '/dev', '>' ) }; warn $@ if $@;

Reading from /dev/null is okay (at least on Unix-like systems), but writing to /dev or any other directory is a problem:

Exception 'Is a directory' when opening file '/dev' with mode '>'     at line 10.

The real power comes when you treat the object as an object:

$fh = eval { open_file( '/dev', '>' ) };  if (my $error = $@) {     warn sprintf "Tried to open %s '%s' as user %s at %s: %s\\n",         $error->mode( ), $error->file( ), $error->uid( ),         scalar( localtime( $error->time( ) ) ),         $error->error( ); }

What are the other methods? They're methods available on all Exception::Class objects.


Make a copy of $@ as soon as possible, lest another eval( ) block somewhere overwrite your object out from underneath you.

Now instead of having to parse the string for potentially useful information, you can debug and, if possible, recover with better debugging information:

Tried to open > '/dev' as user 1000 at Tue Jan 17 21:58:00 2006:     Is a directory

Hacking the Hack

Exception::Class objects are objects—so they can have relationships with each other. You can subclass them and make an entire hierarchy of exceptions, if your application needs them. You can also catch and redispatch them based on their type or any other characteristic you want.

Best of all, if someone doesn't want to care that you're throwing objects, she doesn't have to. They still behave just like normal exceptions.

Search CPAN Modules Locally

Search the CPAN without leaving the command line.

Websites such as are fantastic for finding the Perl module you need from the CPAN, but firing up a web browser, navigating to the page, and waiting for the results can be slow.

Similarly, running the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell and doing i search term is also slow. Besides that, you might not even have a network connection.

The Hack

The last time the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell connected to a CPAN mirror it downloaded a file listing every single module— You can see the file at Because you have that local copy, you can parse it, check the modules that match your search terms, and print the results.

Additionally you can check to see if any of them are installed already and highlight them.

#!perl -w  # import merrily use strict; use IO::Zlib; use Parse::CPAN::Modlist;  # get the search pattern my $pattern    = shift || die "You must pass a pattern\\n"; my $pattern_re = qr/$pattern/;  # munge our name my $self       = $0; $self =~ s!^.*[\\\\/]!!;  # naughty user die ("usage : $self <query>\\n") unless defined $pattern;  # get where the local modulelist is from CPAN(PLUS?)::Config my $base; eval { require CPANPLUS::Config; CPANPLUS::Config->import( ); }; unless ($@) {     my $conf = CPANPLUS::Config->new( );     # different versions have the config in different places     for (qw(conf _build))     {         $base = $conf->{$_}->{base} if exists $conf->{$_};     } }  goto SKIP if defined $base;  eval { require CPAN::Config; CPAN::Config->import( ) };  unless ($@) {     local $CPAN::Config;     $base = $CPAN::Config->{'keep_source_where'}."/modules/"; }  goto SKIP if defined $base;  die "Couldn't find where you keep your CPAN Modlist\\n";  SKIP: my $file     = "${base}/";  # open the file and feed it to the mod list parser my $fh       = IO::Zlib->new($file, "rb")  or die "Cannot open $file\\n"; my $ml       = Parse::CPAN::Modlist->new(join "", <$fh>);  # by default we want colour my $colour   = 1;  # check to see if we have Term::ANSIColor installed eval { require Term::ANSIColor };  # but if we can't have it then we can't have it $colour      = 0 if $@;  # now do the actual checking  my $first    = 0;  # check each module for my $module (map { $ml->module($_) } $ml->modules( )) {     my $name = $module->name( );     my $desc = $module->description( );      # check to see if the pattern matches the name or desc        next unless  $name =~ /$pattern_re/i or $desc =~ /$pattern_re/i;      # aesthetics     print "\\n-- Results for '$pattern' --\\n\\n" unless $first++;      # check to see if it's installed     eval  "require $name";         # print out the title - coloured if possible     if ( $colour && !$@ )     {           print Term::ANSIColor::color('red'),               "$name\\n",               Term::ANSIColor::color('reset');     }     elsif (!$@)     {         print "!! $name\\n";     }     else     {         print "$name\\n";     }      # print out the name and description                print "- $desc\\n\\n"; }  exit 0;

First, the code tries to find the local module list. This can be in several places. It initially checks for CPANPLUS, assuming that anyone who has that installed will use it over the less featureful CPAN. Different versions of CPANPLUS store the file in different locations, so the code checks both.

If that fails, the program performs the same check for CPAN. If that doesn't work, the program ends.

If the file is present, the code uncompresses it with IO::Zlib and passes it to Parse::CPAN::Modlist to parse it.

The next part checks to see if Term::ANSIColor is available. If so, it can highlight installed modules.

The Parse::CPAN::Modlist::modules( ) method returns only the names of modules in the list, so the code must load the appropriate Module object to get at the other metadata. Using map { } in the for loop is incredibly convenient.

For efficency, there's an early check if the name or description matches the input pattern. Notice how the results banner (Results for '$pattern') only prints if there is at least one result.

The code attempts to require the module to see if it is available. If so, the program must highlight the name with color, if available, or exclamation marks otherwise. Finally, the program prints the description and tries the next module.

Hacking the Hack

There are plenty of ways to improve this program.

Currently it assumes that the CPANPLUS module list is the most up to date. It should probably check both CPANPLUS and CPAN if possible, look for the appropriate in each case, and push it onto a list of potential candidates before using the most recently modified version.

This hack also relies on being up to date. If you don't use the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell regularly, this might not be the case.

There are several possible solutions.

First, the program could just die if the module list is too old. This is the simplest (and most defeatist) solution.

Second, you could write a cron job that periodically updates the module list. This has the advantage that even if you have no network currently available, you know it's still reasonably fresh.

Finally, you could check to see whether the module list is older than a certain threshold. If so, you could warn or force the chosen provider to download a newer one. This has the disadvantage of not working if you cannot connect to your CPAN mirror.

Currently, the code checks both the name and the description—which can produce a lot of useless results. It should be possible to build a more complicated query parser that gives users finer-grained control over the results.

Finally, the code doesn't necessarily have to require modules to see if they exist. It could use logic similar to perldoc -l [Hack #2] to find their locations.

Package Standalone Perl Applications

Distribute a full Perl application to users.

The three main ways to distribute an application are via an installer, via a standalone executable, or via source. These choices vary a lot across platforms. Windows users prefer installers, especially .msi files. Mac fans are quite happy with .app files, which usually come in disk images. Most Linux variants use installers (.deb and .rpm) but others prefer source.

What if your application is a Perl program?

Perl may seem like an atypical GUI language, but it does have bindings for GUI toolkits including Tk, wxWidgets, Qt, and GTK. Perl can be useful in the GUI realm as a rapid-development foundation or simply to add a couple of dialogs to a mostly background process. One great entry barrier, however, is that most platforms do not bundle these GUI toolkits with Perl—and some platforms do not bundle Perl at all. Though there are packaged distributions of Perl itself, the add-on modules that usually accompany any sophisticated Perl project are typically source code. This poses a problem for most Windows users and many Mac users for whom this is too low-level a task. Only the sysadmin-rich world of Linux and Unix regularly tolerates sudo cpan install Foo commands.

The Hack

The PAR project attempts to to create a solution to bundling the myriad files that usually compose a Perl application into a manageable monolith. PAR files are simply ZIP files with manifests. If you have PAR installed on your computer, you can write Perl code that looks like:

#!perl -w  use PAR 'foo.par'; use Foo; ...

and if is inside the foo.par file, perl will load it as if it were a normal installed module. Even more interestingly, you can write:

#!perl -w  use PAR ''; use Foo; ...

which will download and cache the foo.par archive locally. How's that for a quick update?

You may have noticed the sticky phrase above "If you have PAR installed..." That is a catch-22 of sorts. PAR helps users to skip the software installation steps, but first they have to...install software!

To get around this, PAR takes another page from the ZIP playbook: self-extracting executables. The PAR distibution comes with a program called pp that allows a developer to wrap the core of Perl and any additional project-specific Perl modules into a PAR file with a and an executable header to bootstrap the whole thing. This produces something like /usr/bin/perl with all of its modules embedded inside.

Running the Hack

Consider a basic application:

#!perl -w  use strict; use Tk;  my $mw = MainWindow->new( );  $mw->Label(-text => 'Hello, world!')->pack( ); $mw->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => sub { exit })->pack( );  MainLoop( );

To run this, you have to have Perl and Tk installed[1] and perhaps X11 running (via open /Applications/Utilities/ Run perl to see a window like that in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. "Hello, world" in Perl/Tk

Now suppose that you want to give this cool new application to other Mac users. Telling them to first install Fink, Tk, and X11 just for "Hello, World!" is ludicrous. Instead, build an executable with pp:

%                              pp -o helloworld                          

That creates a 3 MB executable, helloworld, which includes the entirety of both Perl and Tk. Send it to a friend who has a Mac (and X11, because this version of Tk isn't Aqua-friendly) and she can run it. If you were to make a Windows version it would be even easier on end users—on Windows, Tk binds directly to the native GUI, so X11 is not a prerequisite.

Aside from portability, another PAR benefit is version independence. The example executable, though built against Perl 5.8.6 on Mac OS X 10.4, should also work well on 10.3 or 10.2, even though those OSes shipped with older versions of Perl. This is because PAR included every part of 5.8.6 that the example needed in the executable.

Hacking the Hack

If you download that executable, you can open it with any zip tool:

%                              zipinfo helloworld                            Archive:  helloworld   3013468 bytes   689 files drwxr-xr-x  2.0 unx        0 b- stor 23-Oct-05 14:21 lib/ drwxr-xr-x  2.0 unx        0 b- stor 23-Oct-05 14:21 script/ -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx    20016 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 MANIFEST -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx      210 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 META.yml -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx     4971 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 lib/ -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx     4145 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 lib/ ... [snipped 679 lines] ... -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx    12966 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 lib/ -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx      787 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 lib/warnings/ -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx      186 t- defN 23-May-05 22:22 script/ -rw-r--r--  2.0 unx      262 b- defN 23-Oct-05 14:21 script/ 689 files, 2742583 bytes uncompressed, 1078413 bytes compressed:  60.7%


You may see that the file sizes don't match. That's because the EXE also contains the whole Perl interpreter outside of the ZIP portion. That adds an extra 200% to file size in this case.

Is it fast? No. Perl must unzip the file prior to use (which happens automatically, of course). Is it compact? No, 3 MB for Hello World is almost silly. Is it convenient? Yes—and that is often the most important quality when shipping software to users.

An interesting consequence of this distribution model is that the executable contains all of the source code. For some companies this may represent a problem (with some possible solutions listed at On the other hand it is also a benefit in that you might satisfy any GPL requirements without having to offer a separate source download.


An important note for Windows is that, thanks to ActiveState, you do not need a C compiler to build Perl yourself. They provide an installable package that includes Tk pre-built. See links on for pre-compiled installers for PAR.

Create Your Own Lexical Warnings

Add your own warnings to the warnings pragma.

Perl 5.6 added a useful pragma called warnings that expanded and enhanced upon the -w and -W switches. This pragma introduced warnings scoped lexically. Within a lexical scope you can enable and disable warnings as a whole or by particular class.

For example, within a say( ) function emulating the Perl 6 operator, you could respect the current value of $, (the output field separator) and not throw useless warnings about its definedness with:

use warnings;  # ... more code here...  sub say {     no warnings 'uninitialized';     print join( $,, @_ ), "\\n"; }

See perllexwarn for a list of all of the types of warnings you can enable and disable.

When you write your own module, you can even create your own warnings categories for users of your code to enable and disable as they see fit. It's easy.

The Hack

To create a warning, use the warnings::register pragma in your code. That's it. The UNIVERSAL::can module[2] does this.

Within the module, when it detects code that uses UNIVERSAL::can( ) as a function, it checks that the calling code has enabled warnings, then uses warnings::warn( ) to report the error:

if (warnings::enabled( )) {     warnings::warn( "Called UNIVERSAL::can( ) as a function, not a method" ); }

Running the Hack

How does this look from code that merely uses the module? If the calling code doesn't use warnings, nothing happens. Otherwise, it warns as normal. To enable or disable the specific class of warning, use:

# enable use warnings 'UNIVERSAL::can';  # disable no warnings 'UNIVERSAL::can';

Hacking the Hack

You can also re-use existing warnings categories. For example, if you want to mark a particular interface as deprecated, write a wrapper for the new function that warns when users use the old one:

sub yucky_function {     my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller( );      warnings::warnif( 'deprecated',         "yucky_function( ) is deprecated at $filename:$line\\n" );      goto &yummy_function; }


This version of goto replaces the original call in the call stack by calling the new function with the current contents of @_.

Now when users use the warnings pragma with no arguments (or enable deprecated warnings), they'll receive a warning suggesting where and how to update their code.

Find and Report Module Bugs

Fix problems in CPAN modules.

In an ideal world, all software is fully tested and bug free. Of course that's rarely the case.

Using Perl modules offers many advantages, including more thoroughly validated routines, tested and optimized solutions, and the fact that someone has already done part of your job for you. Sometimes, though, you may find that the shiny module that does exactly what you need actually does something different than it should have.

Here's some code that creates a proxy object FooProxy. When you create an instance of this proxy object, it should behave just like an instance of the original Foo object, but FooProxy could modify specific behavior of the Foo object, perhaps to log method calls or check access [Hack #48], without altering the Foo package itself:

package FooProxy;  sub new {      my $class = shift;     my $foo   = Foo->new( @_ );     bless \\$foo, $class; }  sub can {      my $self = shift;     return $$self->can( @_ ); }  1;

Here's some code that instantiates a FooProxy object, and being paranoid, attempts to double-check that the created object looks just like a Foo object:

# Create a proxy object my $proxy = FooProxy->new( );  # Make sure the proxy acts like a Foo if ($proxy->isa('Foo')) {      print "Proxy is a Foo!\\n"; } else {      die "Proxy isn't a Foo!"; }

When you run this script, you might notice a problem. When you call a Foo method on the $fooproxy object, the method complains that the object isn't Foo. What's going on?

Instead of diving straight into the debugger or throwing print statements throughout the code, step back and take a logical approach [Hack #53]. Here's the Foo definition:

package Foo; use UNIVERSAL::isa;  sub new {      my $class = shift;     bless \\my $foo, $class; }  sub isa {      1; }  1;

Foo uses the CPAN module UNIVERSAL::isa to protect itself against people calling the method UNIVERSAL::isa( ) as a function.[3] When someone calls UNIVERSAL::isa( $some_foo, 'Class' ), UNIVERSAL::isa should detect the isa( ) method of the Foo object, and call that. In this case, though, isa( ) is executing in the context of FooProxy. This looks like a problem with the UNIVERSAL::isa module; you should file a bug report!

Write a Test

Instead of just reporting the bug generically and leaving the author to diagnose, fix, and verify, give the author an excellent head start by writing a test. Taking it one step further, you can even add this test directly to the module's own collection of tests. After downloading and unpacking UNIVERSAL-isa-0.05.tar.gz, look for its t/ subdirectory. Each .t file in this directory represents a unit test with one to many subtests. Add a new test to the package by creating a new .t file. UNIVERSAL::isa, however, already includes a bugs.t file, so you can just add the new test there.

You could rewrite the example code and add it to bugs.t. Just don't forget to increment the test count appropriately, because you're adding tests:

# really delegates calls to Foo {     package FooProxy;      sub new     {         my $class = shift;         my $foo   = Foo->new( @_ );         bless \\$foo, $class;     }      sub can     {         my $self = shift;         return $$self->can( @_ );     } }  my $proxy = FooProxy->new( ); isa_ok( $proxy, 'Foo' );

Run the test and make sure it fails. If so, it's a good test; it demonstrates what you consider to be a real bug.

Running the test is usually as simple as:

$                              prove -lv t/bugs.t                            # test output here...

Submitting a bug report

Now you've done a lot of the work for the author. Not only have you narrowed the problem down to a particular module, you have produced a test case that he or she can include with the module to ensure that the bug gets fixed and stays fixed in future revisions. Instead of submitting a bug report that merely explains what you think the problem is (or just the symptom), you can provide an implemented test case that demonstrates the problem and will prove that the ultimate fix really works.

It's helpful to have the Perl community review your findings to confirm your analysis. Perl Monks ( is a free community for Perl programmers. Many of the best-known names in the Perl community—authors, instructors, and even language designers—frequent Perl Monks and dispense their wisdom freely. It's easy to be sure that you've found a legitimate bug, only to find out that you misunderstood the expected behavior. Further, you might get more useful feedback, such as a pointer that the module you're using is outdated, and there's a much better replacement, or that another module more closely meets your needs.

Once you have confirmation that this is a bug, submit your report to the CPAN Request Tracker at[4] This site provides a simple interface to submit bug reports to the appropriate package maintainer, and then check the status of the report. This site supports user accounts (including your existing PAUSE ID) that are useful for tracking your numerous bug reports, but you don't have to create an account. If you choose to continue without an account, you may specify an email address with the bug report, and you'll receive updates when the module maintainer updates your ticket.

On the site, first search for distributions. This will give you a form where you can enter the package distribution name, UNIVERSAL::isa, and find a list of active bugs against it. From here, you can report your new bug, assuming someone else hasn't already submitted it!

In the submission form, fill in the requested information. For the subject, please be specific and concise. Instead of UNIVERSAL::isa is broken, consider isa( ) reports incorrect package type (?). Choose an appropriate severity, and indicate the module version or versions in which you observed the defect. There's a box to describe in more detail what you observed and how this behavior differs from your expectation. Note the comments on the submission page that suggest other useful information to include.

There is also a place to attach a file. Along with the basic bug report, you can submit a patch to the module to add your test case. To create the patch, extract the package, creating a versioned directory with the pure downloaded form. Next, copy that package directory to another directory without the version number:

$                                  cp -r UNIVERSAL-isa-0.05 UNIVERSAL-isa                              

Make your changes (incorporate the test script) to the files in UNIVERSAL-isa, and then make a patch against the official release. First, in each package directory, do make clean to clean up any build-related files. Now, in the directory above both package directories, run diff with the u nified and r ecursive flags, to make the file readable and to pick up all of the changed files:

$                                  diff -ur UNIVERSAL-isa-0.05 UNIVERSAL-isa > isa_misbehaving.patch                              

This command will produce a patch that, when applied to the files in UNIVERSAL-isa-0.05/, will reproduce the changes you made to the module's test file. Simply include this patch with your bug report, and you'll give the package maintainer a huge head start on fixing the problem.

Attach the patch you created, and submit the form.

Check your email or the site periodically for the status of your bug. Obviously, if there's a fix, you will want to grab the new version quickly, but you also need to see if the author has rejected your bug. If so, research the issue more to determine whether the issue is truly where you thought it was, or if you need to debug your own code further.

Hacking the Hack

You can do more than merely submitting a bug report. With a well-written test case in hand, it's not as daunting a task to fix the bug yourself. Along with the patch that adds your unit tests, you could even submit a patch against the entire package source. The package tests, including the one you added, will verify that the code change is correct, so the maintainer just has to review the changes and apply them.


As it turns out, the bug is that the particular version of UNIVERSAL::isa called the method UNIVERSAL::can( ) as a function, not a method. Oops.

Regardless of whether you provide a fix to the package maintainer, submitting a good bug report with effective unit tests adds value to CPAN for all its users.

Track All Files in a Directory Perl


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