Do Autistic Babies Cry When They Are Sick



Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is disquisitional, because early intensive treatment profoundly improves its prognosis.


We review studies that examined vocalizations of infants with autism spectrum disorder and mouse models of autism spectrum disorder as a potential means to identify autism spectrum disorder before the symptomatic elements of autism spectrum disorder sally. We further talk over clinical implications and future research priorities in the field.


Atypical early song calls (i.eastward., cry) may represent an early biomarker for autism spectrum disorder (or at least for a subgroup of children with autism spectrum disorder), and thus tin assist with early detection. Moreover, cry is probable more than than an early biomarker of autism spectrum disorder; information technology is likewise an early causative factor in the evolution of the disorder. Specifically, atypical crying, as recently suggested, might induce a "self-generated environmental factor" that in turn, influences the prognosis of the disorder. Considering atypical crying in autism spectrum disorder is difficult to understand, it may have a negative impact on the quality of intendance by the caregiver (see graphical abstract).


Evidence supports the hypothesis that atypical vocalization is an early, functionally integral component of autism spectrum disorder.

Keywords: cry, autism spectrum disorder, early biomarkers, animal models of ASD, ultrasonic vocalizations

Significance Statement

A hypothetical causative chain of events involving atypical vocalizations in mice and humans. Striking similarities accept emerged from human and mouse information indicating how genetic components may lead to the product of atypical distress vocalizations, which in turn jeopardizes constructive neonatal social communication between infants and mothers. A) Atypical vocal phone call sequences of pups with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk gene evoke less maternal arroyo in mothers in mice. The suboptimal maternal care acts as a self-generated environmental factor to exacerbate the phenotypic expression of ASD-related behaviors in the take a chance carriers, resulting in ASD-related behaviors later. B) In humans, atypical vocalism in infants with an ASD risk gene diminishes mothers' ability to appropriately respond to babies' specific needs because such cries are not well understood or are negatively perceived by mothers. This might lead to a vicious cycle of confusion and negative perception every bit to how to appropriately reply to baby'southward atypical cries.

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Since Kanner'southward description of autism (Kanner, 1943), impairment in social communication and social skills have been considered cadre symptoms of the disorder. Over the last decade, a big body of piece of work has been produced to ontologically ascertain the disorder, now defined every bit autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Transmission of Mental Disorders, which peculiarly highlights its heterogeneity. Even so, a clear understanding of the etiopathogenesis of ASD and its heterogeneity is still lacking.

There is an intense interest in identifying very early signs of ASD. Although it is possible to diagnose ASD by 2 years of age in humans, earlier identification of signs is critical, because early intervention is highly effective (Wallace and Rogers, 2010; Rogers et al., 2014; Wetherby et al., 2014; Green et al., 2015). Many anatomical, functional, and behavioral features predictive of later ASD diagnosis have been examined (Elsabbagh and Johnson, 2016; Varcin and Jeste, 2017). Brain imaging studies have identified alterations of brain structures and regional activities amid infants in their first year of life who are afterwards diagnosed with ASD (Varcin and Nelson, 2016; Varcin and Jeste, 2017). Moreover, atypical development of behavioral features serve as markers of after diagnosis of ASD in infants (Ozonoff et al., 2010; 2014; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015), including a reduced attention to optics (Jones and Klin, 2013; Moriuchi et al., 2017), poor postural control (Flanagan et al., 2012), early motor disproportion (Teitelbaum et al., 1998; Esposito et al., 2009, 2011), increased perceptual sensitivity (Clifford et al., 2013), and atypical preverbal vocalizations (Esposito and Venuti, 2010b; Ozonoff et al., 2010; 2014).

Among these behavioral features, neonatal vocalization has been examined in mice every bit a potential proxy of one aspect of ASD. In mice, pup vocal calls are thought to exist a course of social communication similar in role to the nonverbal calls of infants (Scattoni et al., 2009). When separated from dams, rodent pups emit song calls that the dams apply to locate and retrieve the pups (Ehret and Bernecker, 1986; D'Amato et al., 2005; Uematsu et al., 2007; Wöhr et al., 2010). Singular neonatal calls take been identified in a number of genetic mouse models of ASD, some of which evidence ASD-related behaviors (i.e., lack of reciprocal social interaction and repetitive behavioral traits) during adolescence and adulthood (Michetti et al., 2012; Lai et al., 2014; Nishi and Hiroi, 2016). More than importantly, a recent observation indicates that pups with an ASD risk factor variant emit atypical vocal sequences, which in plow induce less than optimal maternal care, thereby establishing atypical vocal telephone call sequences of a genetic ASD mouse model as a functionally integral phenotype of ASD-associated factor variants (Takahashi et al., 2016; Kikusui and Hiroi, 2017).

Hither, we argue that atypical early cry may represent an early biomarker for a subgroup of children with ASD (Esposito, 2016) and, moreover, may besides represent an early causative factor in the development of the disorder. Specifically, atypical crying likely induces a "self-generated environmental gene" in caregivers (Kikusui and Hiroi, 2017).

Cry as an Early Biomarker

Forcing air through the song tract and over the larynx produces weep. The process of controlling the air passing through the larynx is regulated, through the cranial nerves, by the brainstem and limbic system, functions of which are thought to be compromised in individuals with ASD (Amaral et al., 2008). Assessment of the spectrographic characteristics of crying can thus give investigators of import information about part of those brain areas that are involved in the pathogenesis of ASD.

The cry audio can be described by a variety of parameters, including loudness (i.eastward., amplitude), the timing of onset, and inter-utterance intervals. Other aspects of cry can exist represented acoustically past fundamental frequency (F0), voicing, and formant frequencies. F0 is the base frequency of a weep and is perceived equally pitch. Voicing is a phonation that results from harmonic vibration of the vocal folds (Sheinkopf et al., 2012). Formant frequency is a cluster of sound waves at a particular frequency and is produced by resonance of the song tract. ASD is associated with singular vocal quality (i.e., atypical pitch product and shorter duration) and different developmental trajectories (Esposito and Venuti, 2010a).

These song parameters may besides assist to identify incipient ASD infants, who are probable to be diagnosed in the hereafter with ASD (Sheinkopf et al., 2000, 2012; Esposito et al., 2014a). Sheinkopf et al. (2012) investigated the audio-visual backdrop of cries of 6-month-erstwhile infants at risk for autism and of a typically developing low-run a risk group. The at-chance group produced hurting-related cries with higher pitch with greater variability than depression-gamble infants; those at-adventure infants later diagnosed with ASD produced the widest frequency range and nearly poorly phonated cries. Thus, differences in cries may be an early manifestation of an atypical affective state, which may play a office in the development of poor social communication.

A subsequent study (Esposito et al., 2014a) examined the acoustic characteristics of cries extracted from the separation phase of the Strange Situation Procedure, a procedure devised to observe attachment relationships between a caregiver and a child, in child siblings of an older child with ASD defined as high-risk (HR, the incidence of ASD is college than in the general population) and low-chance (LR) for ASD. College fundamental frequency (f0) and maximum f0 (highest pitch) of the first utterance of crying was institute in the Hr compared with the LR toddlers. Hour toddlers had shorter elapsing of crying than LR toddlers. Finally, Hr toddlers who were later diagnosed with ASD had the highest f0 and the shortest cry duration. Since the onset of crying is thought to exist under direct neural command, these findings propose poor central control of crying in HR toddlers.

As early on equally the first months of age, infants later diagnosed with autism show a different blueprint of cry compared with those with other types of developmental delays and typically developing infants (Esposito and Venuti, 2010a). Specifically, episodes of weep in ASD showed higher key frequencies, higher formant frequencies, and a decreased number of pauses.

Mouse Models

Over the last decade, researchers interested in the mechanisms of early distress vocalization in ASD take focused on mouse models. When separated from female parent during the first few weeks of life, mouse and rat pups emit distress calls every bit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), ranging from 30 to >100 kHz (Scattoni et al., 2009). Mouse pups increment the number of ultrasonic vocal calls during the first week and subtract calls thereafter. This rodent menses corresponds to a period up to 2 years old in humans (Semple et al., 2013).

A compromised power to emit USVs during the neonatal period has been seen in various animate being models of autism. This bears resemblance to observations made in infants at high hazard for ASD (Leonard et al., 2013; Mody et al., 2016), every bit well every bit those diagnosed with ASD (Mody et al., 2016). An altered number of neonatal USVs has been reported for mouse models with various genetic variants (Michetti et al., 2012; Lai et al., 2014; Nishi and Hiroi, 2016). In improver, mouse models of ASD exhibit spectrographic deviations (Schmeisser et al., 2012; Michetti et al., 2012; Belagodu et al., 2016) and altered vocal repertoire (Scattoni et al., 2008; Young et al., 2010; Hiramoto et al., 2011; Ey et al. 2013; Hiroi et al., 2013; Romano et al., 2013; Burkett et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015; Fraley et al., 2016).

1 interpretative caution hither is that the genetic background of mutant and wild-blazon littermates is not controlled (i.eastward., noncongenic mice) in some studies, and alleles surrounding the targeted gene are expected to systematically differ between mutant and their wild-blazon littermates. As different inbred mouse lines have distinct vocal patterns (Scattoni et al., 2008), any phenotypic departure in vocal calls between noncongenic mutant and wild-blazon littermates might non genuinely reflect the touch on of the targeted ASD-linked gene mutation.

Crying As a Modulator of the Environment

Crying is evolutionarily shaped to elicit parental responses. Parental responses to infant cries are the results of cultural norms, caregiver characteristics, and characteristics of the babe cry (Gustafson and Light-green, 1989; Bakeman et al., 1990; Zeifman, 2003). Over the last several decades, many studies have focused on how the frequency and duration of crying episodes modulates adult responses. Weep pitch can influence caregivers' perception: higher frequency cries are often perceived as more aversive and distressing than lower frequency cries.

Parents oftentimes report they had great difficulty decoding the emotional signals of their infants with ASD diagnosis, particularly during the first twelvemonth of the kid'south life. They report, in particular, bug understanding the causes of crying episodes (Esposito and Venuti, 2008; Esposito and Venuti, 2010b; Bornstein et al., 2016). Such a lack of agreement regarding why their infants are crying can initiate a roughshod bicycle; the female parent fails to recognize the babe'due south needs, which in turn results in an inadequate feedback to the infant.

To understand the precise audio-visual parameters that negatively influence perception of crying, some studies (Esposito et al., 2013, 2014b) deconstructed ratings of distress, as perceived by parents, in cries of infants with ASD. These studies identified that pause lengths (duration of inhalation), compared with the number of utterances or fundamental frequency, had the strongest impact on the perception of distress in 2 contrasting cultural groups. These findings underscore the importance of acoustic parameters other than the ordinarily researched fundamental frequency in analyzing caregiver perception of baby cry.

Episodes of crying in infants with ASD are interpreted by adults equally loftier levels of distress in the infant and thus cause increased distress in adult listeners (Esposito et al., 2013). Overestimated levels of distress expressed in an episode of crying may jeopardize caregiver responsiveness, because authentic evaluation of babe's vocalizations can exist disquisitional for appropriate bonding and for offspring well-being and survival (Seifritz et al., 2003).

The adult brain responds to the audio-visual characteristics of infant cries. An fMRI-based study measured brain activity during adult processing of cries of infants with ASD and of matching control infants. For ASD infant cries, in add-on to higher activations in the primary and secondary auditory cortex, higher levels of activation were observed in the inferior frontal gyrus (Venuti et al., 2012), a region known to play a disquisitional function in processing emotional information and evaluating the melancholia salience of speech. This suggests that listening to the cries of infants with ASD calls for deeper and more than effortful auditory attention and comprehension, and in particular comprehension of "emotional content," which may be compromised in the cries of infants with ASD.

Consistent with the notion that ASD cries are more than distressful, ASD cries elicited higher activations in the left inferior frontal gyrus/anterior insula, which are known to mediate brain responses to aversive and arousing stimuli. Additionally, activity in the supplementary motor cortex and precentral gyri emerged, suggesting preparation for care behaviors. ASD cries appear to activate adults' intentions to reduce infant distress.

A more contempo study (Esposito et al., 2015) assessed activation of the autonomic nervous system of fathers of typically developing children and non-fathers in response to typical and atypical (i.e., those of ASD) baby vocalizations. Galvanic Peel Response, cardiac dynamics via Inter-Beat Interval, and right hand temperature alter were measured. Both groups showed greater negative responses (i.e., increased Galvanic Skin Response) while listening to cries of infants with ASD compared with typical cries and laughter. In contrast, fathers showed higher Inter-Vanquish Interval and greater temperature increases in right manus temperature alter than non-fathers while listening to typical and atypical ASD cries. These findings point to similarities and differences in fathers' and non-fathers' physiological responsiveness to cries of infants with ASD and might guide specific intervention programs for parents of children at risk for ASD.

Expression of distress in ASD is not only evident in the song domain. Indeed, when female person adults were made to judge the distress and typicality (expected normality) of isolated song, facial, and bodily cues of 18-month-quondam ASD developmentally delayed or typically developing infants, vocal cries of ASD and developmentally delayed infants were perceived as every bit distressing, simply cries were perceived as more singular for infants who were later diagnosed with ASD as they had higher frequency cries (Esposito and Venuti, 2008). Facial cues of ASD infants were perceived as less typical and less distressed, consistent with the lack of emotional expressivity. ASD children's bodily movements were perceived equally more distressed and less typical compared with those of infants with other types of developmental filibuster or with typical development (Esposito et al., 2011).

All of these differences in distress cues may account for adults' bias in interpreting their infant's states of uneasiness. This bias may in turn jeopardize adequate parental responsiveness. Indeed, qualitatively different responses were shown in response to crying episodes. While mothers of typically developing infants or those with other types of developmental delays were more than likely to use tactile or vestibular stimulation to soothe their infants, mothers of infants with ASD used more verbal soothing (Esposito and Venuti 2010c). A possible explanation of this is that when parents cannot understand the meaning of a crying episode, they use more than verbal interactions.

Mouse Models

Pups' distress vocalizations accept some communicative value for mothers. Pups' USVs are idea to be essential for the evolution of social bonds between the female parent and immature, making USVs vital for the pup's survival (Zippelius and Schleidt, 1956). Pups' calls alone are demonstrated to elicit maternal approach behaviors (Uematsu et al., 2007; Okabe et al. 2013). A more than recent written report (Takahashi et al., 2016) demonstrated that USVs of pups that comport heterozygous deletion of the gene Tbx1, an ASD adventure gene encoded in the 22q11.two region (Hiramoto et al., 2011; Hiroi et al., 2013) and itself a monogenic ASD risk gene (Gong, 2001; Paylor et al., 2006; Ogata et al., 2014), elicits less maternal arroyo compared with those of wild-type pups. The USVs of Tbx1 heterozygous pups were also characterized past less individually variable phone call sequences and less circuitous call types compared with those of wild-blazon littermate pups. Randomized sequences of calls of wild-type pups induced less maternal approach behaviors, indicating that mutation of this ASD hazard gene alters the neonatal call sequence, which renders the pup'due south social communication with mothers ineffective and maternal care less efficient (Takahashi et al., 2016; Kikusui and Hiroi, 2017).

Where Should We Head Side by side?

To date, human and mouse studies accept shown that assessment of early distress vocalization can offering insights into the behavioral and brain mechanisms backside the earliest stages of development in infants with ASD. Hitting similarities take emerged from human and mouse data pointing to how genetic components may create a specific physiological arrears that leads to the production of atypical distress vocalizations, which in turn jeopardizes the effective communicative ability of the distress vocalization and finally hinders caregiver-baby interaction. In other words, a genetic component plays a major part in producing a specific phenotype (singular crying) that modulates the environment in which the phenotype is expressed (hindering caregiver understanding and responsiveness, see likewise graphical abstract). This tin can thus be seen equally a circuitous dynamic of gene × environs effect in which the environmental factor is positively created, instead of being passively perceived (e.chiliad., accidental environmental insults), past take chances carriers (Kikusui and Hiroi, 2017). Here, the ecology factor results from the behavioral phenotype of a genetic risk carrier and at the same time results in the augmentation of the genetic impact.

Finally, we would like to highlight 3 directions for research studies in these fields. First, considering that ASD is a spectrum of disorders characterized by wide heterogeneity, a biomarker detectable during early development (such as the audio-visual features of cries) in incipient infants with ASD and their siblings could potentially inform ASD subtype identification and clinical population stratification. Second, training of the caregiver to interpret atypical crying episodes is likely to better social communication between incipient ASD infants and their parents. 3rd, both human and rodent studies should quantitatively evaluate the predictive prognostic value of early song abnormalities in incipient ASD. Infant cries in both humans and mouse models of ASD tin exist capitalized on to advance our understanding of the developmental origin of ASD and to devise effective therapeutic options.

Statement of Interest

North.H. received a inquiry grant from Astellas for a project not direct related to the subject of this article.


We gratefully acknowledge Bindiya Lakshmi and Nur Atiqah Binte Azhari (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Andrea Bonassi, and Tommaso Ghilardi (Academy of Trento, Italia) for their support and Paola Rigo and Tommaso Sega for the cartoon of the graphical abstract. This research was supported by grants from the FP7 PEOPLE-Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (GA-2013–630166) and the NAP SUG of the Nanyang Technological University to G.E. and NIH (R21HD053114, R01MH099660 and U54HD090260) to Due north.H.

Do Autistic Babies Cry When They Are Sick


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